What Does Rota Mean In Spanish

How to Say “Door handle” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Manija de

What Does Rota Mean In Spanish. English translation broken more meanings for rota rattan noun caña de indias, junco de indias find more words! The 3º means tercero (tercer piso) or third floor.

How to Say “Door handle” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Manija de
How to Say “Door handle” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Manija de

A round or rotation of duties; A period of work or duty taken in rotation with others. If you can't remember what day you're supposed to volunteer at the library, you should check the. Rota see also in spanish. The establishment of rota criminal courts. Examples and translations in context. The 2ª means segunda puerta or second door. Rotas) ( british) a schedule that allocates some task, responsibility or (rarely) privilege between a set of people according to a (possibly periodic) calendar. A tribunal of the papal curia exercising jurisdiction especially in matrimonial cases appealed from diocesan courts 2. C/ santa maria 45, 3º, 2ª.

Rotas) ( british) a schedule that allocates some task, responsibility or (rarely) privilege between a set of people according to a (possibly periodic) calendar. The sleeve of your dress is ripped {o} torn. La cuerda estaba rota por los extremos. [the manager] instituted a rota for having the players attend supporters’ club meetings throughout the season, telling them it was part of the job of being a footballer. Tienes rota la manga del vestido. British terms [ chiefly brit.] a round or rotation of duties; Rotas) ( british) a schedule that allocates some task, responsibility or (rarely) privilege between a set of people according to a (possibly periodic) calendar. English translation broken more meanings for rota rattan noun caña de indias, junco de indias find more words! Lista de turnos nf + loc adj : If you can't remember what day you're supposed to volunteer at the library, you should check the. To rotate el ventilador dejó de rotar y supimos que se había estropeado.the fan had stopped rotating, so we knew it had broken down.